The ship happened to be exceptionally well armed for its size sporting three medium duel-turbolaser turrets, sixteen light turbolasers, twenty laser cannons, and two concussion missile launchers. It also served as the Fleet's heavy hitter alongside the older Alliance Class Assault Frigate though the Nebulon-B2 was a bit more powerful thanks to its extra weapons. The Nebulon-B2 was designed to be the centerpiece of any Alliance Fleet, making it normally a command ship of smaller Alliance Fleets. Also the center spar was reinforced and slightly heavier rendering it less vulnerable to being split open by heavy fire which was one of the main weaknesses of the Escort Frigate design. Most of this noted width was thanks to the inverted-v the forward hull split into which reinforced and secured the forward part of the ship. It measured out as three hundred twenty five meters long, and a hundred forty five meters wide at the front. The design of the Nebulon-B2 Heavy Frigate looked similar to the older Escort Frigate design just a bit larger and far more powerful.